Hotel Diana din Baile Herculane s–a reinaugurat in aprilie 2011 dupa ample lucrari de modernizare.
Diviana Spa dispune de un izvor propriu de apa termala minerala, concentrata in sulf, cu pH optim pentru piele, oferind posibilitatea de terapii balneare. Pentru tratamente de recuperare si preventie a diverselor afectiuni in cele mai bune conditii, DIANA Spa dispune de un medic balneolog si personal medical specializat, iar terapiile sunt realizate cu echipamente si aparate de electroterapie, hidroterapie si kinetoterapie care au dovedita performanta si eficiența. Tratamentele balneare combinate cu tratamentele spa si varietatea de masaje, ofera adevarate vacante de refacere, avand ocazia sa va relaxati atat corpul cat si mintea, pentru a reveni la ritmul cotidian cu un plus de vitalitate.
Aria SPA este destinata relaxarii si recreerii. Design-ul cu accente naturale si spatii luminoase sau mai intime este in armonie cu starea de bine oferita de facilitatile existente in centrul Diana SPA: piscina interioara cu apa incalzita, jacuzzi si cele patru tipuri de saune uscate si umede –sauna cu infrarosu, sauna uscata 70 grade C, sauna cu aromaterapie si baia de aburi.
De asemenea, restaurantul hotelului a primit o imagine noua.

The hotel eas renovated and modernized in 2011.
Diviana Spa has its own source of mineral thermal water, concentrated in sulfur, with optimal pH for the skin, offering the possibility of spa therapies. For treatments for recovery and prevention of various diseases in the best conditions, DIANA Spa has a balneologist and specialized medical staff, and The therapies are performed with equipment and apparatus for electrotherapy, hydrotherapy and physiotherapy that have proven performance and efficiency.
The SPA area is intended for relaxation and recreation. The design with natural accents and bright or more intimate spaces is in harmony with the well-being offered by the existing facilities in the Diana SPA center: indoor pool with heated water, jacuzzi and the four types of dry and wet saunas - infrared sauna, sauna dry 70 degrees C, sauna with aromatherapy and steam bath.


Include mic dejun, pranz si cina (bufet suedez), 1 terapie wellness /zi/adult, acces internet WI-FI, spa (piscine, jacuzzi, saune, fitness), loc joacă pentru copii și parcare (în limita disponibilității). Bauturi incluse: whiskey, vodka, vin, racoritoare. Bauturile se servesc doar pe durata meselor la pahar. Produsele din minibarul din camere nu sunt incluse în pachetul all inclusive. Prima masa servita este cina în prima zi a sejurului si ultima masa este micul dejun in ziua check-out-ului. Camerele se pot ocupa incepand cu ora 16.00.

/EN Includes breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet), 1 wellness therapy/day/adult, WI-FI internet access, spa (swimming pools, jacuzzi, saunas, fitness), children's playground and parking (subject to availability). Drinks included: whiskey, vodka, wine, soft drinks. Drinks are served only during meals by the glass. In-room minibar products are not included in the all-inclusive package. The first meal served is dinner on the first day of the stay and the last meal is breakfast on the day of check-out. The rooms can be occupied starting with 16.00.

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Sejururi din DE ORIUNDE catre QUASI NOVI (wellness) cu all inclusive light - Hotel Diana, Baile Herculane, Romania

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